Our Team

The littleBIG team consists of amazing, experienced teachers who graduated from pre-primary education - they love working with children. Most of our teachers have worked and studied in English-speaking countries. So they know how to enhance their educational activities with experience gained abroad. Teacher assistants who speak English and Spanish with children are an integral part of our team. Our vision is to lead children to be open to the world, and show them the diversity and richness of cultures.

Get to know us better

Ivana Kaliská Klapková


I studied psychology and art therapy. I’ve love to learn since early childhood, and I can sense learners’ needs. I am characterized by enthusiasm for a project, and I can also inspire others to contribute.


I appreciate that from birth to six years of age is the MOST IMPORTANT without exaggeration - these are our roots, we draw from this period all our lives. Experiences, words, and emotions from childhood are forever engraved deep in our soul. And I know how difficult it is to fix adults’ traumas.


This kindergarten was created to provide children with kind people, teachers who will encourage learning and exploration, and a place where they can succeed without the feeling of failure, try things, make mistakes, where they will experience acceptance - belonging to a group, with recognition and respect. Where we spend the majority of the day affects us much more than we think. I highly value beauty - an airy, beautiful, large space by a meadow, forest, and playground - that's our project.


Soňa Gžibová


Už počas vysokoškolského štúdia na TU Zvolen (Fakulta ekológie a environmentalistiky) som sa cez nami vytvorené občianske združenie Mesačná krajina zapojila do osvetovej práce s deťmi ohľadom aktívnej ochrany prírody.


In the United Kingdom, I worked in a kindergarten and improved my English.

Po viac ako 14 ročnej pedagogickej praxi mám možnosť sa spolupodieľať a plánovať deťom tvorivé aktivity počas celého školského roka. Víziou „nášho tímu“ je vštepovať deťom lásku i úctu k prírode, mať prirodzenú radosť z pohybu. A v neposlednom rade je naším prianím ponúknuť deťom cudzie jazyky hravou a zábavnou formou.


I find working with children truly invigorating. Children are very creative and fun, who can put a smile on your face even when the sun isn't shining.

Mgr. Barbora Alakšová


I lived abroad for the last 10 years. I studied child psychology in Canada, where I focused on the moral, social, and emotional development of children.  


In Amsterdam, I continued to study child psychology with an emphasis on the healthy development of children, positive psychology, and education. In our kindergarten I will use my education and experience from abroad to support the social and emotional development of children. 


My goal is to develop a strong social conscience in children, which will enable them to communicate honestly, with love and respect. I also want children to build a strong emotional conscience – both to understand emotions and learn to express such emotions in a healthy way.

Ivana Kaliská Klapková

Founder (CEO)

I studied psychology and art therapy. I’ve love to learn since early childhood, and I can sense learners’ needs. I am characterized by enthusiasm for a project, and I can also inspire others to contribute.


I appreciate that from birth to six years of age is the MOST IMPORTANT without exaggeration - these are our roots, we draw from this period all our lives. Experiences, words, and emotions from childhood are forever engraved deep in our soul. And I know how difficult it is to fix adults’ traumas.


This kindergarten was created to provide children with kind people, teachers who will encourage learning and exploration, and a place where they can succeed without the feeling of failure, try things, make mistakes, where they will experience acceptance - belonging to a group, with recognition and respect. Where we spend the majority of the day affects us much more than we think. I highly value beauty - an airy, beautiful, large space by a meadow, forest, and playground - that's our project.


Soňa Gžibová


Už počas vysokoškolského štúdia na TU Zvolen (Fakulta ekológie a environmentalistiky) som sa cez nami vytvorené občianske združenie Mesačná krajina zapojila do osvetovej práce s deťmi ohľadom aktívnej ochrany prírody.


In the United Kingdom, I worked in a kindergarten and improved my English.

Po viac ako 14 ročnej pedagogickej praxi mám možnosť sa spolupodieľať a plánovať deťom tvorivé aktivity počas celého školského roka. Víziou „nášho tímu“ je vštepovať deťom lásku i úctu k prírode, mať prirodzenú radosť z pohybu. A v neposlednom rade je naším prianím ponúknuť deťom cudzie jazyky hravou a zábavnou formou.


I find working with children truly invigorating. Children are very creative and fun, who can put a smile on your face even when the sun isn't shining.

Barbora Alakšová

Zástupkyňa riaditeľky

Už od základnej školy som cítila, že chcem byť učiteľkou v materskej škole. Začalo to rôznymi rolovými hrami s ostatnými deťmi, neskôr som vyskúšala krátke animátorské aktivity, pomáhala som organizovať rôzne krúžky či letné tábory.


Počas výberu strednej aj vysokej školy som teda nemala pochybnosť a zamierila som pedagogickým smerom.


Vyštudovala som predprimárnu a primárnu pedagogiku na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave.


Keď som prvýkrát počula o materskej škole littleBIG nadchlo ma vzdelávanie k prírode a rôzne prírodovedné témy, ktoré ma fascinovali už na vysokej škole. Teší ma, že spolu s deťmi máme vytvorený priestor spoznávať les a jeho čaro.

Ivana Kaliská Klapková

Founder (CEO)

Soňa Gžibová


Barbora Alakšová

Zástupkyňa riaditeľky

I studied psychology and art therapy. I’ve love to learn since early childhood, and I can sense learners’ needs. I am characterized by enthusiasm for a project, and I can also inspire others to contribute.


I appreciate that from birth to six years of age is the MOST IMPORTANT without exaggeration - these are our roots, we draw from this period all our lives. Experiences, words, and emotions from childhood are forever engraved deep in our soul. And I know how difficult it is to fix adults’ traumas.


This kindergarten was created to provide children with kind people, teachers who will encourage learning and exploration, and a place where they can succeed without the feeling of failure, try things, make mistakes, where they will experience acceptance - belonging to a group, with recognition and respect. Where we spend the majority of the day affects us much more than we think. I highly value beauty - an airy, beautiful, large space by a meadow, forest, and playground - that's our project.

During my studies at the Technical University in Zvolen (Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences), I was involved in educational work with children regarding environmental protection through the civic association Mesačná krajina (Moon Landscape) that we created.


In the United Kingdom, I worked in a kindergarten and improved my English.


After more than 14 years of teaching experience, I can now participate in and plan children's creative activities throughout the whole school year.  Our team aims to instil in children love and respect for nature, to have natural joy in movement, and to offer foreign languages in a playful and fun way.


I find working with children truly invigorating. Children are very creative and fun, who can put a smile on your face even when the sun isn't shining. 

Už od základnej školy som cítila, že chcem byť učiteľkou v materskej škole. Začalo to rôznymi rolovými hrami s ostatnými deťmi, neskôr som vyskúšala krátke animátorské aktivity, pomáhala som organizovať rôzne krúžky či letné tábory.


Počas výberu strednej aj vysokej školy som teda nemala pochybnosť a zamierila som pedagogickým smerom.

Vyštudovala som predprimárnu a primárnu pedagogiku na Univerzite Komenského v Bratislave.


Keď som prvýkrát počula o materskej škole littleBIG nadchlo ma vzdelávanie k prírode a rôzne prírodovedné témy, ktoré ma fascinovali už na vysokej škole. Teší ma, že spolu s deťmi máme vytvorený priestor spoznávať les a jeho čaro.