How much time do children spend outdoors during the day?

Every day we spend time in the forest, in the meadow or in our playground, in almost all weathers and seasons.

Do you also make courses for children?

Our kindergarten’s educational programme comprehensively develops a child's personality. Every day the children experience integrated activities including movement, art, music, language, drama and therapy, we do not separate them into groups. In addition to our kindergarten’s extensive programme, we provide external activities with coaches for swimming, skating, climbing, etc.

Do you also provide sport activities?

We teach children to enjoy movement, our programme develops movement and coordination skills. Every child will love sports and movement in nature, and find what they enjoy the most.

Can I come and see the kindergarten?

Contact us via the online form on the homepage, by phone, or by email. We will contact you and agree on a mutually convenient date.

I’d like to meet the director, the founder of the kindergarten?

Please make an appointment in advance by email or phone, we’ll happily answer your questions.

How does a child adapt?

The adaptation process takes place gradually and individually according to a child's social maturity and specific family conditions. We follow our own adaptation methodology.

Do children learn foreign languages too?

The quality teaching of foreign languages is one of our priorities. We provide a programme of daily communication in foreign languages - English and Spanish - so your child can acquire language through everyday activities.

Can I enrol my child in the kindergarten at any time of year?

Yes. If we have free capacity, we accept children throughout the year. If classes are full, we will let you know when a vacancy is available.
v triedach naplnený, radi si Váš kontakt zapíšeme a dáme vám vedieť, keď sa miesto uvoľní.

From what age do you accept children to the kindergarten?

Deti prijímame od veku 2,5 roka, pri mladších deťoch je rozhodujúce osobné stretnutie. V našom zariadení ponúkame poldenný program v čase od 7:00 do 13:00.

How is a child accepted to the kindergarten?

The basic condition for a child's successful adaptation and development in the kindergarten is his/her emotional and cognitive readiness, and the internal readiness of parents for this change is equally important. It is an advantage if the child has acquired hygienic habits, and has already started to talk. However, every child is accepted on the basis of a thorough assessment and we can assist in a child's independence, including weaning off nappies.

How about eating and those with allergies?

The kindergarten has its own kitchen. We ensure your children's balanced diet. We prioritize high-quality local and seasonal ingredients and, if necessary, we will also prepare gluten-free, lactose-free, and egg-free meals for your child.

What does integral education mean?

This is aimed at the comprehensive development of a child by linking several educational methods and approaches.

Do you belong to a network?

Our kindergarten belongs to the educational network of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, although many are not. When enrolling in a network, it is important that it meets certain standards. The littleBIG kindergarten has received full authorization to carry out education and training according to Act no. 245/2008 Coll. on Education and Training.

Does the kindergarten have parking?

There are nine parking spaces directly in front of the kindergarten, and plenty of other spaces in Zelená Hôrka and the immediate vicinity.

When is the kindergarten open?

The kindergarten is open on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. until 6 p.m. throughout the calendar year. The kindergarten is closed during national holidays of the Slovak Republic, Christmas, and for three weeks in summer.
In the summer, the kindergarten undergoes maintenance and repairs, and teachers supplement their education and prepare the premises and programme for the new school year.
V lete škôlka prechádza údržbou a opravami, učitelia si dopĺňajú vzdelanie a pripravujú priestory a program na nový školský rok.

Do kids need to sleep or rest in the afternoon?

Afternoon sleep is very important for the physical and psychological development of children aged 0-6 years. Our motto is to sensitively perceive and meet the needs of children – as reflected in afternoon rest. In the afternoon we have time allocated for relaxation as well as different forms of relaxation. So if the child does not need sleep, he/she has other options.

What’s the tuition fee?

Pre deti v triede s celodenným programom máme školné 599 eur. V školnom dieťa získava prístup k celodennému pobytu, profesionálne vedenie tímu pedagógov, native speakers, pripravené prostredie, snoezelen a mnoho ďalších benefitov. Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete v sekcii Školné / Ceny. V mesačnom školnom je zahrnutá aj dvanástina letného mesiaca údržby, hygieny priestorov a školenia tímu, vďaka korým vášmu dieťaťu vieme garantovať bezpečné a inšpiratívne prostredie a pripravený tím. V triede s poldenným programom od 7:00 do 13:00 máme školné 550 eur.

Do you post pictures of children on social media?

Fotky na sociálnych sieťach zverejňujeme citlivo, tak aby bolo čo najmenej vidieť do tváre deťom. S rodičmi komunikujeme prostredníctvom vlastnej aplikácie, kde vidia aké činnosti dieťa robí počas dňa, na akej téme sa momentálne v triede pracuje.

Can I enrol my child in the kindergarten at any time of year?

Yes. If we have free capacity, we accept children throughout the year. If classes are full, we will let you know when a vacancy is available.
v triedach naplnený, radi si Váš kontakt zapíšeme a dáme vám vedieť, keď sa miesto uvoľní.

From what age do you accept children to the kindergarten?

Deti prijímame od veku 2,5 roka, pri mladších deťoch je rozhodujúce osobné stretnutie. V našom zariadení ponúkame poldenný program v čase od 7:00 do 13:00.

How is a child accepted to the kindergarten?

The basic condition for a child's successful adaptation and development in the kindergarten is his/her emotional and cognitive readiness, and the internal readiness of parents for this change is equally important. It is an advantage if the child has acquired hygienic habits, and has already started to talk. However, every child is accepted on the basis of a thorough assessment and we can assist in a child's independence, including weaning off nappies.

How about eating and those with allergies?

The kindergarten has its own kitchen. We ensure your children's balanced diet. We prioritize high-quality local and seasonal ingredients and, if necessary, we will also prepare gluten-free, lactose-free, and egg-free meals for your child.

Do children learn foreign languages too?

The quality teaching of foreign languages is one of our priorities. We provide a programme of daily communication in foreign languages - English and Spanish - so your child can acquire language through everyday activities.

What does integral education mean?

This is aimed at the comprehensive development of a child by linking several educational methods and approaches.

Does the kindergarten have parking?

There are nine parking spaces directly in front of the kindergarten, and plenty of other spaces in Zelená Hôrka and the immediate vicinity.

Do kids need to sleep or rest in the afternoon?

Afternoon sleep is very important for the physical and psychological development of children aged 0-6 years. Our motto is to sensitively perceive and meet the needs of children – as reflected in afternoon rest. In the afternoon we have time allocated for relaxation as well as different forms of relaxation. So if the child does not need sleep, he/she has other options.

Do you post pictures of children on social media?

Fotky na sociálnych sieťach zverejňujeme citlivo, tak aby bolo čo najmenej vidieť do tváre deťom. S rodičmi komunikujeme prostredníctvom vlastnej aplikácie, kde vidia aké činnosti dieťa robí počas dňa, na akej téme sa momentálne v triede pracuje.

How much time do children spend outdoors during the day?

Every day we spend time in the forest, in the meadow or in our playground, in almost all weathers and seasons.

Do you also make courses for children?

Our kindergarten’s educational programme comprehensively develops a child's personality. Every day the children experience integrated activities including movement, art, music, language, drama and therapy, we do not separate them into groups. In addition to our kindergarten’s extensive programme, we provide external activities with coaches for swimming, skating, climbing, etc.

Do you also provide sport activities?

We teach children to enjoy movement, our programme develops movement and coordination skills. Every child will love sports and movement in nature, and find what they enjoy the most.

Can I come and see the kindergarten?

Contact us via the online form on the homepage, by phone, or by email. We will contact you and agree on a mutually convenient date.

I’d like to meet the director, the founder of the kindergarten?

Please make an appointment in advance by email or phone, we’ll happily answer your questions.

How does a child adapt?

The adaptation process takes place gradually and individually according to a child's social maturity and specific family conditions. We follow our own adaptation methodology.

Do you belong to a network?

Our kindergarten belongs to the educational network of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, although many are not. When enrolling in a network, it is important that it meets certain standards. The littleBIG kindergarten has received full authorization to carry out education and training according to Act no. 245/2008 Coll. on Education and Training.

When is the kindergarten open?

The kindergarten is open on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. until 6 p.m. throughout the calendar year. The kindergarten is closed during national holidays of the Slovak Republic, Christmas, and for three weeks in summer.
In the summer, the kindergarten undergoes maintenance and repairs, and teachers supplement their education and prepare the premises and programme for the new school year.
V lete škôlka prechádza údržbou a opravami, učitelia si dopĺňajú vzdelanie a pripravujú priestory a program na nový školský rok.

What’s the tuition fee?

Pre deti v triede s celodenným programom máme školné 599 eur. V školnom dieťa získava prístup k celodennému pobytu, profesionálne vedenie tímu pedagógov, native speakers, pripravené prostredie, snoezelen a mnoho ďalších benefitov. Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete v sekcii Školné / Ceny. V mesačnom školnom je zahrnutá aj dvanástina letného mesiaca údržby, hygieny priestorov a školenia tímu, vďaka korým vášmu dieťaťu vieme garantovať bezpečné a inšpiratívne prostredie a pripravený tím. V triede s poldenným programom od 7:00 do 13:00 máme školné 550 eur.