About us
The first years of our lives are crucial for the future direction of our lives. They are involved in the formation of personality and the building of solid foundations and relationships.
We bring the best of multiple educational methodologies, using a respectful approach and focusing on the individual development of each child's personality.
We don't want to be just an ordinary kindergarten preschool. We are a 21st century kindergarten reflecting the current events and dynamics of the world. Our goal is to be a role model and set trends in the field of early childhood education.
The littleBIG private preschool is designed to meet the needs of the children and promote meaningful time spent there.
We have integrated a number of proven methodologies and educational programs to give children the freedom to create and develop individually, encouraging them to explore and deepen their curiosity and courage.
The littleBIG nursery consists of several interconnected rooms including playrooms, a multi-sensory Snoezelen room, an experiment room, its own kitchen, a theatre, a large playground, a meadow and a forest.
The concept of our kindergarten is based on the principles of integral pedagogy, which is based on a number of proven and effectively working methodologies and educational programs.
in nature
Multilingual education
Quality foreign language teaching in kindergarten is one of our priorities. Each class has its own foreign teacher, so the children learn English and Spanish in varying proportions at both formal and informal levels. We focus on supporting children's brain development and building a solid foundation for future foreign language learning. Our preschool prepares children for a multicultural world where it is important to be open-minded and flexible.
Quality foreign language teaching in kindergarten is one of our priorities. Each class has its own foreign teacher, so the children learn English and Spanish in varying proportions at both formal and informal levels. We focus on supporting children's brain development and building a solid foundation for future foreign language learning. Our preschool prepares children for a multicultural world where it is important to be open-minded and flexible.
Dbáme na komunikáciu, ktorá je založená na dôvere, rešpekte a dôstojnosti. Podporujeme vzájomný rešpekt medzi dospelými a dieťaťom, kde uplatňujeme informovanie, spätnú väzbu, možnosť voľby, akceptáciu emócií dieťaťa či spoluúčasť pri riešení problémov.
Snoezelen predstavuje špeciálne upravenú miestnosť, ktorá pôsobí stimulujúco alebo relaxačne (podľa toho, aký je zámer práce s deťmi) prostredníctvom svetelných, zvukových, hmatových a iných podnetov – ide teda o viaczmyslové prostredie. Aktivity realizované v Snoezelen umožňujú deťom prežiť niečo, čo sa v bežnej triede nedá! Ako objavovanie vesmíru, morského sveta, Antarktídy a mnoho ďalšieho. Deti motivuje prostredie samotné.
Cieľom pobytu v prírode je predovšetkým formovanie detskej osobnosti a prehlbovanie vzťahu s prírodou. Pobyt v lese prebúdza zmysly, zvyšuje imunitu, ukľudňuje, rozvíja fantáziu, empatiu a pokoru. Príroda a prostredie lesa sú významnou a neoddeliteľnou súčasťou výchovno-vzdelávacieho procesu a preto chceme, aby deti v exteriéri trávili významnú zložku času stráveného v škôlke.
and emotional